What we do

BLUE ECOSYSTEM is a 33 months Interreg Euro-MED testing co-funded under the Programme’s Mission “Strengthening an innovative sustainable economy” with a budget of almost 3 million euros.

The project will test innovative methodologies focused on supporting territory-making processes through knowledge production towards a more sustainable and resilient blue economy in the Mediterranean area. Specifically, the project will design, test and validate three elements:


  1. TRansformation Accelerator for INnovation – TRAIN labs 
  2. A Mediterranean transnational open innovation program 
  3. A transformative Book for Blue sustainable economy
TRansformation Accelerator for INnovation – TRAIN labs

After jointly defining and co-designing the methodology to be followed, a “TRAIN lab” will set up in each pilot region (Balearic Island, Emilia-Romagna, Région Sud, Occitanie, Zadar County, Alentejo, Attica, Albania) to integrate the policy-innovation approach in the implementation of their regional RIS3 strategies. This will be done in coherence with regional action plans on blue economy.

The TRAIN labs could take several formats: collective technical workshops, study visits, keynote conferences, but all of them will aim at identifying transformative innovation solutions to a sustainable complex territorial challenge.

For the challenges identification, each pilot region will involve different stakeholders from the quintuple helix and will prioritize them (marine ecosystem and coastal area, blue biotechnologies, marine renewable energies, fishing and aquaculture, ports, shipbuilding, marine robotics, coastal and maritime tourism)

A Mediterranean transnational open innovation program

It will focus on addressing complex challenges and match, connect and identify transnational opportunities for the solution acceleration.

A transformative Book for Blue sustainable economy

After developing, testing and assessing the TRAIN lab methodology, the Transformative Book for Blue sustainable economy will share the overall project approach, the main outcomes and best practices for the mutual learning such as the BLUE ECOMATCH program

All in all, the project will change the mindset of 5 helix stakeholders and key players of the Blue economies, towards a wider use of co-designed innovation and cutting edge technologies, lastly generating the adoption of more sustainable business models in the private sector, the development of new skills in the blue sectors markets and contributing to the removal institutional and cultural barriers that hamper advanced innovation in blue economies.

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