Our story

The project approach builds on two main pillars: the first one is on co-design/co-creation design participation and Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) methodology (developed under TERRITORIA and SISCODE projects), the second one on the sector of intervention: blue sustainable economy (developed mainly thanks to MISTRAL, BLUE BIOMED, B-BLUE projects).

This will allow project partners to integrate such a kind of policy-innovation approach in the implementation of thei regional RIS3 strategies (and Regional Action Plans) through a new way of designing calls and tenders, monitoring impacts and evaluating projects. Connect the production of research and innovation with the needs of territories using challenge-based methodologies.

TeRRItoria project (Horizon 2020 project)

It focused on supporting governments through the promotion of RRI and specifically territorial RRI, as a way to support territory-making processes through knowledge production. This was done through co-creation and co-design processes.

The main dimensions were: territory-making actions that strengthen the ties between a community and the place in which it lives and to this end on the establishment of a shared vision; some features of RRI: public engagement, science education, gender equality, ethical issues and open access; and the sixth cross-cutting dimension of governance of RRI that is capable of integrating the five features, which is also underpinned by four dimensions – anticipation, reflexivity, inclusiveness and responsiveness. 

SISCODE (Horizon 2020 project)

Defined of “co-creation” as “a non-linear process that involves multiple actors and stakeholders in the ideation, implementation and assessment of products, services, policies and systems”.

MISTRAL, BLUEBIOMED and B-Blue projects

These projects developed a robust shared knowledge framework and identified future actions and field of activities to allow further testing.

  1. Blue Growth Book “State of the art assessment and overview on the most relevant drivers and opportunities in the Mediterranean Blue Economy” , “multilevel mapping of blue bioeconomy innovation priorities and trends in the MED”;
  2. “Shared conceptual framework in the Blue bioeconomy” ;
  3. Implementation of innovative services (Matchmaking event toolkit, Business Plan Competition toolkit)
  4. Regional Action Plans hightlinting recommendations and plans of action for innovation in blue economy;
  5. MedIA “Mediterranean Innovation Alliance For Sustainable Blue Economy” gathering more than 50 blue stakeholders along Mediterranean basin